Local Networking
- Community Network Coalition - Contact: Jennie Knudsen, CNC Coordinator - cncprincealbert@gmail.com
- Prince Albert Urban Indigenous Coalition - admin@prairiewildconsulting.ca / website: https://www.pauic.com/
Grants and Funding
- City of Prince Albert - https://www.citypa.ca/en/city-hall/grants-and-funding.aspx
- Prince Albert and Area Community Foundations - https://pafoundation.ca/granting
- Lakeland District for Sport, Culture and Recreation - https://www.lakelanddistrict.ca/funding
- Northern Lights Community Development Corporation - https://www.nlcdc.ca/#apply
- Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority - https://www.siga.ca/sponsorship/
- Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan - https://mcos.ca/funding/
- Community Initiatives Fund - https://www.cifsask.org/grants/apply-here
- SaskCulture/ SaskLotteries - https://www.saskculture.ca/programs/funding-programs/find-a-grant
- SaskMusic - https://www.saskmusic.org/funding/funding-options
- SK Arts - https://sk-arts.ca/27-apply/programs-a-z.html
- Government of Canada - Department of Canadian Heritage - https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/funding.html